Jerry Flanagan Obituary, Death cause – Jerry W. Flanagan’s graveside service will be held in Concord Cemetery in Wood County, Texas on Friday, December 8, 2023, with Dr. Shelby Davidson officiating. Thursday, December 7, 2023, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., is when friends and family can pay their respects at Hilliard Funeral Home in Van, Texas. The 16th of January, 1939, was the birthplace of Jerry Wayne Flanagan in Dallas, Texas. Before settling in Grapevine, he spent 48 years in Ben Wheeler. For thirty-three years, he was an operator forklift for Merchants Fast Motor Lines.

Farming, fishing, and hunting were his life’s work. He liked doing gardening on his 20-acre property. Jerry, who was 84 years old when he passed away on December 4, 2023. The following individuals have passed away before him: Charles Edward Flanagan and Donnie Oledale Foster Flanagan, his parents; Felton and Doris Smith, James Ray Flanagan, J.E. Flanagan, Charles Herman and Gladys Flanagan.

Jack and Patsy Flanagan, Nancy Flanagan, Maxine and James Hall, Sue Souther, Patricia and Phillip Vester, and Moreine Flanagan. Sharon Farmer Flanagan, Ben Wheeler’s wife of 63 years, goes on to leave behind three children and their spouses: Donna and David Duncan, Cole and Brenda Flanagan, and Holly and Ted Morawski.

Also surviving are Bobby Flanagan, Mareine Flanagan, Bonnie Flanagan, and Gene Souther, as well as several grandchildren: Michael, Laura, Andrew, Justin (Joelen) Flanagan, Zachary (H Pallbearers will be Morawski brothers: Michael and Andrew, as well as Flanagan cousins Justin and Zachary. Michael Holcomb, Bobby Flanagan, Bob Farmer, and Gene Souther will all be honored to carry the pallbearers.
