Maybe some of you stink everyday but I DON'T

by Anonymousreply 109May 10, 2021 2:59 PM

"Maybe some of you stink everyday but I DON'T "

Um, yes you do

by Anonymousreply 2May 8, 2021 7:27 PM

I ruined so many shirts with anti-perspirant stains that I stopped wearing it. On the other hand, seriously, I have a lot of shirts where the smell in the underarm area can’t be removed no matter how many times I wash, pre-treat, or Febreze it.

by Anonymousreply 3May 8, 2021 7:28 PM

I've stopped wearing it. I heard it causes cancer and dementia. I tried Tom's all natural and it didn't do anything. If I'm going out, I'll wear it, but not in my day to day

by Anonymousreply 5May 8, 2021 7:35 PM

OP I'll bet your home and bedding reek. You have grown immune to your own stench.

by Anonymousreply 6May 8, 2021 7:36 PM

I trim my underarm hairs. If they grow, you can smell bo much more than trimming.

by Anonymousreply 7May 8, 2021 7:38 PM

Use deodorant, not antiperspirant deodorants - they cause the staining.

by Anonymousreply 8May 8, 2021 7:39 PM

What's a good all natural? It's really shown that the aluminum is terrible for you. But the non pasty deodorants that are more like a clear solid end up feeling sticky and gross. People in the UK use roll on which is so 80's but it's like all they have.

by Anonymousreply 9May 8, 2021 7:43 PM

DLers always need extreme deodorant on their cunts, since that always stinks to high heaven. The poor kids at crotch level get tears in their eyes.

by Anonymousreply 11May 8, 2021 7:46 PM

Yes, especially eldergays with some weight on them. Their crotches smell like absolute shit and it does stink up their homes. This goes back to the shower thread where some of you filthy whore only shower 3 x a week of think a whore bath/wash cloth wipe down in the sink is totally acceptable.

by Anonymousreply 12May 8, 2021 7:49 PM

Deodorant if have a plane flight of more than, say, 90 minutes. If I have a presentation or a meeting or a medical appointment, or any situation where it will be uncomfortably hot or may involve getting sweaty to arrive there. If I'm going to be find myself shoulder to shoulder with others, or at the barber's, or trying on clothes.

Otherwise no. I lead a calm life and my big exercise is walking. I smell like one of my species and not an unusually ripe one. I'm not ever en route from the gym to the board room.

I don't drench myself with Axe or the preferred scents of DL aficionados who, by their own admission, buy the years old shit on eBay and think they smell divine. (Or so Mother says.)

by Anonymousreply 13May 8, 2021 7:58 PM

don't use cologne, as i think deodorant is enough, i do use "natural" organic deodorants though, if i'm not leaving the house that particular day, i don't wear any...

then again, i'm at the gym 5 to 6 days a week, so i have to wear deodorant i guess every day, i think i meant that after i get home and shower, and don't leave home the rest of the day, then i don't use any until i go to the gym the next day...

i also shower every day even if very briefly after the gym..i'm talking a couple of minutes shower...

by Anonymousreply 15May 8, 2021 8:03 PM

I never wear deodorant. I never smell. I don't go out. I have no friends.

by Anonymousreply 16May 8, 2021 8:40 PM

Since I have been in lockdown, I stopped putting on anti-perspirant because I shower every day, but I don't go anywhere. However, I also exercise 5 days a week at home, doing two kinds of cardio twice a day. I noticed about 6-8 weeks ago that even after I shower, my underarms still smell. This is only a recent thing, even though I've been exercising w/o using deodorant for months. I like not using deodorant, but I don't know why I still smell after showering and using a charcoal body wash.

On the days I know I have to go out, I will put on some Degree, and there is no smell whatsoever.

by Anonymousreply 17May 8, 2021 8:46 PM

I rarely wear it anymore, unless it's hot outside and I'm going to be running around. I shower every day, wear talc and my body splash.

by Anonymousreply 18May 8, 2021 8:50 PM

I can you smell you all the way over here OP.

by Anonymousreply 19May 8, 2021 8:52 PM

WTF is with all these people who don't wear deodorant? Nasty.

by Anonymousreply 20May 8, 2021 9:00 PM

Shower gels do not get you as clean as old fashioned bar soap does. You ripen much more quickly using shower gel. Took about a year for me to figure this out. The gel leaves a deceptively clean-smelling film, which soon turns.

by Anonymousreply 21May 8, 2021 11:56 PM

Personally, I love pitmusk.

by Anonymousreply 22May 9, 2021 4:42 AM

The only safe fragrance is cologne that you make yourself.

I don't know any thing about deodorant and antiperspirant, but I do know about cologne.

Cologne is made from pure ethyl alcohol and pure essential oils.

Research the subject online, because I cannot write a book here on how to do it.

Check out the Basenotes Forum: and then go to the"Fragrance DIY" sub-forum.

by Anonymousreply 24May 9, 2021 5:19 AM


Btw I knew a lady who had cancer and not sure what treatment she had but her face was so smooth. Like a face lift after.

by Anonymousreply 25May 9, 2021 5:20 AM

I'd rather smell someone's BO than that Axe crap. Most colognes, body splashes and perfumes are way too obnoxious to be around.

by Anonymousreply 26May 9, 2021 5:35 AM

Plus many, especially cheap colognes, are highly toxic. Check out the bloody ingredients

by Anonymousreply 27May 9, 2021 5:39 AM

I sometimes find that even after a shower there is still a small amount of pit smell. I think it is due to the skin and residual film on it, not that I am not clean. So I dab white vinegar on a facecloth after the shower and voila! Clean as a whistle! Prob once or twice a week only.

by Anonymousreply 28May 9, 2021 5:41 AM

And you don't smell like vinegar, R28? (Not making a joke.)

by Anonymousreply 29May 9, 2021 5:43 AM

Judging by the comments, it seems that many on here don't know how to bathe.

by Anonymousreply 30May 9, 2021 5:45 AM

R30 Considering most DLers have no ability to think or analyze, nothing can stop that.

by Anonymousreply 31May 9, 2021 5:49 AM

[quote]I'd rather smell someone's BO than that Axe crap.

You must be one of those musk queens who are into body odor. Gurl we aren't talking about sniffing armpits of hot muscled jocks whose cum you'd drink anyway. BO coming from John/Jane Q Public with fat folds is a completely different story.

by Anonymousreply 32May 9, 2021 6:03 AM

I rub crystals under my arms

by Anonymousreply 33May 9, 2021 6:17 AM

As a hyper-active sweaty person who guzzles coffee, I wear anti-perspirant. Otherwise, I feel the sweat rolling down my ribcage and the stench is bitter.

Growing up, my mom stocked Ban roll-on in a house of all guys. I purchase the green unscented variety, but I still like the original.

by Anonymousreply 34May 9, 2021 6:20 AM

R29 the vinegar smell goes away in 1 min. After my pits dry I apply deodorant right away so no I don't smell like a walking douche.

by Anonymousreply 35May 9, 2021 6:33 AM

An excellent deodorant for your pits is hand sanitizer, either the alcohol or non-alcohol kinds. Or you can use rubbing alcohol. Applied to freshly washed armpit, it kills the germs that cause stank for about 24 hours.

by Anonymousreply 36May 9, 2021 6:35 AM

I like regular Speedstick. By Mennen.

by Anonymousreply 37May 9, 2021 6:39 AM

r36 Alcohol does eliminate all the stank but burns like a mutherfucker for a few seconds while it kills germs.

by Anonymousreply 39May 9, 2021 6:43 AM

I haven’t used deodorant in about three decades. It always causes irritation and broke my skin. Never liked the smell of it. If you keep a healthy diet you don’t actually have body odour.

by Anonymousreply 40May 9, 2021 6:47 AM

If you read the instructions, most deodorants/antiperspirants say to apply only every other day.

I used to shower with hot water every day but I was having all sorts of problems with skin rashes and such. My doctor referred me to a dermatologist and the first question he asked after examining me was how often I showered. When I told him, he told me that my skin was too delicate for that and to shower three times a week under lukewarm water. He also said it's really only necessary to soap up your pits, groin and feet. On the days I didn't take a shower, I should still wash up all over at the sink with a wet washrag.

I followed his advice and within a week, all the rashes, itching and dry skin had cleared up.

by Anonymousreply 41May 9, 2021 6:49 AM

I notice no sensation except alcohol evaporating, R39. Just like alcohol on my skin anywhere else. Are your armpits made out of pussyflesh or something?

by Anonymousreply 42May 9, 2021 6:50 AM

R40 bullshit. Sweat patterns and odours are part of your genetic makeup. Some foods can affect how you smell one day later (i.e., garlic). Anyone I have ever known who claims not to have underarm smell actually does, but they are in denial.

by Anonymousreply 43May 9, 2021 6:58 AM

Is it really that hard to get go to CVS and get a bottle of Ban Roll On to keep yourself fresh.

by Anonymousreply 44May 9, 2021 7:03 AM

I would think using isopropyl alcohol on any part of your skin regularly would dry the skin out terribly and cause it to itch.

by Anonymousreply 45May 9, 2021 7:10 AM

All of you fuckers showering twice a week and eschewing deodorant stink to high heaven. People are just too polite to tell you.

by Anonymousreply 46May 9, 2021 7:24 AM

Ever notice how people who stink are always the first ones to bring up the subject about how they themselves don't stink? Looking at you OP.

People who bath everyday don't fixate on this because it's never an issue we have to justify.

by Anonymousreply 48May 9, 2021 7:52 AM

I have on occassion forgotten to apply deodorant. It's no big deal just for a day at work. But only because I shower every day. I wouldn't go with deodorant on purpose tho.

by Anonymousreply 49May 9, 2021 8:15 AM

I think we as a society in the West do use too many soaps/chemicals on our bodies but that said, I also know your average crowd of people in the U.S. smells better than your average crowd of people in Africa or India.

Or, if not "better" then certainly less funky.

I shower pretty much daily but I only wash my hair every other day or two and it's much healthier. And, I frequently just wash my face with warm water and a wash cloth and I get fewer breakouts than using tons of soap on it constantly.

As for deodorant, I just use the Suave....I like the coconut smelling one.

by Anonymousreply 50May 9, 2021 8:45 AM

When hooking up, a lot of guys like to lick pits and prefer you not to wear deodorant and are disappointed.

Keep your mussy minty fresh as well. If it smells like cologne, leave it alone. In today's polite society, it's almost offensive to wear strong smelling cologne or fragrance. A lot of people are allergic.

by Anonymousreply 51May 9, 2021 9:26 AM

"The only safe fragrance is cologne that you make yourself. "

I stick rose peddles in my pits and underwear after every shower

Yeah, sure

by Anonymousreply 53May 9, 2021 9:47 AM

[quote]If you keep a healthy diet you don’t actually have body odour.


by Anonymousreply 54May 9, 2021 9:48 AM

Do people who have a few extra pounds smell more than skinny guys. I'm not talking about the obese so don't be gross.

by Anonymousreply 55May 9, 2021 9:50 AM

[quote]Some foods can affect how you smell one day later (i.e., garlic).

When I was broke and working part time as an assistant at a junior high school, I ate a lot of garlic in my otherwise bland food to give it flavor (roasted potatoes and garlic cloves, cheap chicken thighs roasted with garlic, stuff like that) and two of my coworkers staged an intervention by talking loudly at lunch about how some people smell like garlic the day after they eat it. I couldn't smell myself, but I took the hint.

by Anonymousreply 56May 9, 2021 9:57 AM

[quote]I stick rose peddles in my pits


by Anonymousreply 57May 9, 2021 10:02 AM

Haven't used it in decades, truly and no, I don't stink or repel people. I shower daily, wash clothes frequently, change socks and undershirts during the day and don't suffer from excess perspiration . . .what's the point. I occasionally use talc and more usually cologne.

by Anonymousreply 59May 9, 2021 10:13 AM

I don’t wear clothes everyday. The bartender has seen me naked. We used to fuck. So I think it would be okay for me to grab a drink in the nude.

by Anonymousreply 60May 9, 2021 10:14 AM

^ How come my nose runs and my feet smell?

by Anonymousreply 62May 9, 2021 10:35 AM

I use it because otherwise I sweat (and smell) pretty soon but if you're Asian you probably don't need it.

by Anonymousreply 63May 9, 2021 10:46 AM

I’ve never worn it. I shower every day (sometimes twice) and always wear clean clothes.

by Anonymousreply 65May 9, 2021 10:52 AM

R64, processed food doesn't have much to do with it. You can eat plenty of non-processed food and still smell. A lot of it is genetics. Like I mentioned before, Asians like the Chinese and Japanese have markedly fewer apocrine glands than Black or white people, so they usually don't need to use it.

by Anonymousreply 66May 9, 2021 11:00 AM

I get a rash from most deodorants. I just use antibacterial soap for my arm pits and a goatsmilk soap bar for the rest.

by Anonymousreply 68May 9, 2021 12:23 PM

A little industrial strength cleaner will fix you right up

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by Anonymousreply 69May 9, 2021 12:38 PM

If you need to wear deodorant every day, then you stink, my dear. Eat some vegetables and less bacon.

by Anonymousreply 70May 9, 2021 12:40 PM

^ Because fat people smell like lavender? IDK

by Anonymousreply 72May 9, 2021 12:44 PM

Crystal deodorant is natural salt and leaves no stains

by Anonymousreply 73May 9, 2021 12:51 PM

Fat hoes who often chomp on onion always stinks!

by Anonymousreply 74May 9, 2021 12:54 PM

Why are Americans always so obsessed with deodorant? Deodorant isn’t even a thing in Asia, Europe, Africa, or Latin America. When I brought over a deodorant, they thought it was a push-pop.

by Anonymousreply 75May 9, 2021 1:11 PM

That’s why everyone smells like shit

by Anonymousreply 76May 9, 2021 1:30 PM

The stains come out perfectly if you make a paste of oxyclean powder and laundry detergent. Put it on the stains and let it sit for 30 minutes before laundering normally.

by Anonymousreply 77May 9, 2021 1:32 PM

"Why are Americans always so obsessed with deodorant? Deodorant isn’t even a thing in Asia, Europe, Africa, or Latin America"

I know, I've been to those places... Yuck!

by Anonymousreply 78May 9, 2021 1:34 PM

Since I’ve been wfh I’ve stopped wearing every day. If I go out and am going to be around people I shower and skip deodorant. If I get a haircut or go to dr’s appointment I’ll put it on.

by Anonymousreply 79May 9, 2021 1:46 PM

[quote] Deodorant isn’t even a thing in Asia, Europe, Africa, or Latin America.

This isn't true at all.

by Anonymousreply 80May 9, 2021 4:14 PM

A lot of BO is diet-related

If you don't eat dairy and salt is the main spice in your food you will reek much less than someone with a spicier and/or dairy-rich diet.

That said, at some point you will reek, so best not to skip deodorant.

Native is a great brand--it was only available online for a while, but they seem to be selling in stores now too.

The scent is not very overpowering like many traditional deodorants

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by Anonymousreply 81May 9, 2021 4:20 PM

Some of you must live in temperate climates as well. Im in florida and deoderant is a must when being in public. You cant walk a few feet outside without breaking a sweat.

by Anonymousreply 82May 9, 2021 4:39 PM

Most BO is you're not washing your ass related. I am quite aware that certain foods can affect body chemistry, but some of you need to stop making excuses for lazy asses. Take a damn shower, wash your hair, and wash your ass, pits, and crotch with soap and water on something of a regular basis. A lot of this is hipster bullshit.

by Anonymousreply 83May 9, 2021 4:51 PM

Men are stink and gross lol

by Anonymousreply 84May 9, 2021 4:59 PM

[quote] wash clothes frequently, change socks and undershirts during the day and don't suffer from excess perspiration

Interestingly, that's how people stayed fresh in former times when frequent bathing was thought to be unhealthy. Good clean linen against the skin absorbed a lot of funk, and if it was changed frequently you smelled pretty good. Of course, only the wealthy could afford to do that.

by Anonymousreply 85May 9, 2021 7:43 PM

I started using a mixture of patchouli, ambrette, oakwood, jasmine, and neroli and will never go back to commercial fragrances. It is a bit pricey, but well worth it. The last 2 ingredients are used very sparingly and the mixture is diluted to 15-20% in Everclear 95. Try it and I am sure you will agree.

by Anonymousreply 86May 9, 2021 8:11 PM

I never wear deodorant and I don’t smell. And I’ve asked my partner to check my pits and he confirmed I don’t smell.

by Anonymousreply 87May 9, 2021 8:22 PM

Trust me R87. If you're a grown ass man and are not wearing deodorant, then you stink.

by Anonymousreply 88May 9, 2021 8:40 PM

R88 Exactly. And asking your imaginary boyfriend's advice don't do nuthin'.

by Anonymousreply 89May 9, 2021 8:43 PM

I wear deodorant in the fall and winter and anti perspirant in the summer. Sometimes I throw in a bit of cornstarch based baby powder into the mix or perfume oil (I'm a Lesbian) and that's it. I don't think it healthy to wear an anti perspirant year round.

by Anonymousreply 90May 9, 2021 8:49 PM

Girls sweat and stink just like all humans.

by Anonymousreply 93May 10, 2021 1:19 AM

Plus, having both ass sweat and vag sweat is pretty rank. Throw in some huge beef curtains. Aye yai yai. Dios mio.

by Anonymousreply 94May 10, 2021 1:27 AM

Only pigs don’t wear deodorant.

by Anonymousreply 97May 10, 2021 2:00 AM

[quote] Only pigs don’t wear deodorant.

This should be a kids book.

by Anonymousreply 98May 10, 2021 2:06 AM

Sister Lez at r90. Why don’t you shave your pits? That would help with your odor problem more than corn starch. Also shave that mustache while you're about it. Not for odor issues but so as you don’t share little animals.

by Anonymousreply 99May 10, 2021 6:47 AM

Only white people need to wear deodorant.

by Anonymousreply 100May 10, 2021 8:04 AM

Listen up all you queens. Do you not realize that shaving your pit hair will eliminate about 99% of the stank issue?

by Anonymousreply 101May 10, 2021 8:12 AM

If you use Botox, then you don’t need deodorant.

by Anonymousreply 102May 10, 2021 8:17 AM

Indians stink the most. Middles Easterners smell like Axe body spray almost as a neutral scent. Asians smell like roman. Blacks have this kind of musty, powdery, smell to them. White people smell the best.

Has anyone tried douching with mint? it's the new hot thing in terms of hygiene, intestinal balance, and leave a pleasant taste.

by Anonymousreply 103May 10, 2021 8:46 AM

[quote] Asians smell like roman.

Like romance? romaine lettuce? Ronan Farrow?

by Anonymousreply 104May 10, 2021 10:47 AM

[quote]I started using a mixture of patchouli, ambrette, oakwood, jasmine, and neroli and will never go back to commercial fragrances.

Everybody except dirty hippies hates anything patchouli, R86.

by Anonymousreply 105May 10, 2021 10:50 AM

[quote] Only white people need to wear deodorant.

r100 I have been to several non-Western, non-white places where I could literally not breathe.

by Anonymousreply 106May 10, 2021 1:50 PM

I tried the rubbing alcohol suggestion and it really works.

by Anonymousreply 107May 10, 2021 2:39 PM

No R708, just a slight tingling.

by Anonymousreply 109May 10, 2021 2:59 PM
