Shego is a fictional character from Disney’s animated television series Kim Possible, voiced by Nicole Sullivan. The character, ever since her first appearance in the pilot episode, “Crush” appears as Dr. Drakken’s sidekick, though in some episodes acts as a mercenary for other villains.

In this manner, Who is Kim Possible’s boyfriend?

Kim and Ron’s first kiss together, from the episode “Emotion Sickness”. Ron Stoppable: Originally Kim’s goofy best friend and sidekick, over time, their friendship became something more and they are now a couple.

Keeping this in view, Is Shego in love with drakken?

Despite their tumultuous past, Shego has repeatedly returned to Drakken to work for him. The two have demonstrated a certain amount of deranged fondness for the other, as Drakken even referred to her as a member of his “evil family”.

Furthermore, Do Kim and Ron break up?

The to their preteen years where Ron backed Kim up on her first mission to help an eccentric billionaire in trouble. Finally into the future where it was revealed a time traveling future version of Shego had engineered Ron’s move to Norway in order to break them up as “a very solid team”.

Is Shego a goth?

Shego is usually either Raised Catholic or raised Jewish. … Though she’s never shown listening to Goth Rock or doing anything associated with being goth, fans see Shego as a Perky Goth due to her Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette looks, snarky attitude, and her black-and-green color scheme.

Secondly, Why did shego turn evil?

Shego eventually found more interest in villains and abandoned her family for a life on the wild side. Although, some fans believe that she really turned evil due to the attitudinator, which was a device once used on Ron and made him evil for an episode.

Did Kim and Ron break up?

Kim does get slightly angry and jealous that Ron exceeds and does very well working at Bueno Nacho, while she finds it very difficult to do basic tasks. This leads to an argument with the two and she quits, but then regrets the decision. Before she can talk to Ron she has to leave for a mission.

Who does Kim Possible marry?

I found pictures online of my favorite Disney channel couple Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable getting married. I will now describe each of the wedding pictures. Picture number 1 is Kim and Ron having their first dance as Mr.

What did Shego tell Kim?

They put Electronique back in prison (though Ron, while playing with the attitudinator, turns her good, because he was annoyed by her constant revenge ranting), and Shego says she wants to tell Kim something that she couldn’t back when she was evil.

Why is drakken blue?

Drakken is noted to have pale blue skin, which he did not have during his past. In the episode Bad Boy, he was turned good due to a failed evil scheme, and his skin became normal. In that same episode, Ron Stoppable turned evil and his skin turned blue.

How old is shego?

Physical Description. Age: Unknown, likely middling 30s or 40s. (Shego’s exact age is unclear, through her appearance and mannerisms suggest that she is several years older than Kim. It is also mentioned that she has a child development degree.)

How tall is Kim Possible?

Kim Possible (character)

Kim Possible
Height5 ft 6 in (168 cm)
In-universe information
Full nameKimberly Ann Possible

Is Canon a KiGo?

Although non-canon, the KiGo ship has sparked considerable debate and has attracted attack due to the age difference of the two characters and of being a lesbian pairing, particularly from extremely supportive K/R shippers, and some particularly supportive KiGo shippers had felt free to fire back.

Why did Shego turn evil?

Shego eventually found more interest in villains and abandoned her family for a life on the wild side. Although, some fans believe that she really turned evil due to the attitudinator, which was a device once used on Ron and made him evil for an episode.

What was Shego going to tell Kim?

They put Electronique back in prison (though Ron, while playing with the attitudinator, turns her good, because he was annoyed by her constant revenge ranting), and Shego says she wants to tell Kim something that she couldn’t back when she was evil.

Does Shego ever turn good?

However, Electronique was unaware that Shego had become a villain, so while Shego’s brothers were turned evil by the blast, Shego became good. In an effort to escape her evil brothers, Shego ran away and resurfaced as Miss Go, a substitute teacher at Middleton High School.

Why does shego stay with drakken?

As mentioned in her debut, Shego is a criminal for hire; she works for Drakken consecutively because he pays her. As Drakken would have no interest in the chip Rufus swallowed, Shego likely took a job from someone else.

Will there be a Kim Possible 2?

The movie ended with a much younger Dr. Drakken infiltrating Kim and Ron’s school, leaving the door open to a potential sequel. Though no plans for an additional movie — or full-blown TV spinoff, for that matter — have been announced, Stanley is hoping to slip back into Kim’s iconic duds as soon as… possible.

Is Ron stoppable rich?

Synopsis. Naco royalties make Ron a tremendously rich and wealthy multimillionaire with ninety-nine million dollars, which he then proceeds to squander on a posse of fake friends and spending binges. Out of greed, Dr.

Was Kim Possible’s identity a secret?

Unlike traditional superheroes and secret agents, Kim lacks a secret identity; the character is known simply as “Kim Possible, and everyone who knows her knows what she does.” Kadeen Griffiths of Bustle observed that Kim “never put on spandex or acquired a secret identity; instead, she had her own website where people …

Who is the main antagonist in Kim Possible?

Shego is the main antagonist of Kim Possible: A Stitch in Time (more specifically Future Shego). Her right glove is usually black, the left green.

Is Kim Possible attractive?

Kim looks adorable and appealing but what sells is her expression. It is very alluring but at the same time welcoming, being able to get all of the attention from each gender. She could be working at a café or diner judging by the uniform she is wearing, but she still rocks it just like her missions.

Why is drakken blue?

Drakken is noted to have pale blue skin, which he did not have during his past. In the episode Bad Boy, he was turned good due to a failed evil scheme, and his skin became normal. In that same episode, Ron Stoppable turned evil and his skin turned blue.

Does Kim Possible get paid?

Well, no actually. Kim doesn’t get paid. In fact, the work that she does is for free.

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