Malcolm X was one of the influential figures in the early 1950s and the African-American human rights activist and the minister who was a . The late 39-year-old is making the buzz in recent times after released a trailer of its upcoming documentary on his , a sporting legend in his own right.

Titled 'Blood Brothers: Malcolm X & Muhammad Ali' the docu explores the strained relationship and the between the two heavyweights. Over the years, it wasn't just Malcolm X's assassination and his family that became a subject of constant discussion. His net worth was a conversation that sparked intense debate and has continued to rage on to date.


What is Malcolm X's net worth?

According to , the activist's net worth was estimated to be $150 thousand. That said, there was also a family dispute regarding the trove of unpublished works from Malcolm X and Dr Shabazz. A New York Times article in 2011 shed light on the feud over Betty Shabazz's estate that had the couple's six daughters divided. The article highlighted they accused each other of "irresponsibility, mental incapacity and fiscal mismanagement of the estate, which is worth about $1.4 million."

The synopsis of the Netflix documentary reads: "From a chance meeting to a tragic fallout, Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali's extraordinary bond cracks under the weight of distrust and shifting ideals."

Produced by Kenya Barris, the much-anticipated documentary will include exclusive interviews from relatives such as Ali’s younger brother Rahman Ali and his daughter Ilyasah Shabazz. It also includes footage that helps charts a timeline for their friendship and fallout. In their review, THR wrote: "Blood Brothers smartly explores the personal impact the public figures had on individual lives."

Blood Brothers will stream on Netflix on September 9.
