How old is Mikie Sherrill? When is Mikie Sherrill's birthday? Where is Mikie Sherrill born? Where did Mikie Sherrill grow up from? What's Mikie Sherrill's age?

Mikie Sherrill Born: 1972 (age 51years), Alexandria, VA

Is Mikie Sherrill married? When did Mikie Sherrill get married? Who's Mikie Sherrill's married to? (Who's Mikie Sherrill's husband / wife)?

Mikie Sherrill Spouse: Jason Hedberg

How about Mikie Sherrill's education?

Mikie Sherrill Education: Georgetown University (2007), MORE

How about Mikie Sherrill's candidate for?

Mikie Sherrill Candidate for: 2024 United States House of Representatives elections in New Jersey

How about Mikie Sherrill's previous_campaigns?

Mikie Sherrill Previous_campaigns: 2022 United States House of Representatives elections in New Jersey, MORE

How about Mikie Sherrill's current office?

Mikie Sherrill Current office: Representative (D-NJ 11th District) since 2019

How many kids does Mikie Sherrill have?

It has traditionally leaned Republican but has shifted slightly more Democratic in recent years, and has been represented by Democrat Mikie Sherrill since 2019.

Who is the congressman for Morristown NJ?

It has traditionally leaned Republican but has shifted slightly more Democratic in recent years, and has been represented by Democrat Mikie Sherrill since 2019.

What towns are in the 11th District in NJ?

It has traditionally leaned Republican but has shifted slightly more Democratic in recent years, and has been represented by Democrat Mikie Sherrill since 2019.

Who represents Chatham NJ in Congress?

It has traditionally leaned Republican but has shifted slightly more Democratic in recent years, and has been represented by Democrat Mikie Sherrill since 2019.
